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Welcome to ConSTANZ 2022

Tuesday 11th - Thursday 13th October 2022

We look forward to you joining us for the eleventh biennial conference. 

For those that attended the third conference in 2004, we look forward to welcoming you back!

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Pricing Information

2022 Pricing is as follows:

Early bird registration: $380. Rate available until 8th July 2022.

Registration after this $400. Registration closes 5th August.

Accommodation is only available in Rangi Ruru's Boarding House under the Green Light setting. Please book alternative accommodation with the ability to cancel should this open up.

Funding to get you to ConSTANZ from STANZ and NZASE are now closed.

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Covid-19 Information

ConSTANZ 2022 can run under any Traffic Light setting. For more information refer to the Covid-19 Information page.

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